Sunday, January 24, 2010

An Exquisite Exposition

Blogging is something I really never gave much thought to, an endeavor I never thought I would ever undertake, but that all changed when I was given an assignment in my Writing for Publication course to make my very own blog. My professor is giving us the liberty to write at least 2x a week on anything we like and I’ve decided to utilize this opportunity to share my insights, views on life and various forms of pop culture. I aim to highlight the joys and passions of being a fan of Philadelphia sports teams. Discuss wonderful treasures of movies starring Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Christian Bale and others. Venture into the world of classic and contemporary literature. Expose the highs and lows of my internship at a middle school this semester. My love for the outdoors, and my weird, eclectic, random music taste
Notably, the title of my blog is derived from a favorite verse of mine Joshua 1:9 in which God instructs Joshua, the newly elected leader of the Israelites to “Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”! That verse has been so powerful in my life, whenever I have fears or doubts; I know that God is with me through it all. We live in a fallen world filled with suffering and pain, but there’s comfort in knowing were not alone in this fight. I feel this world needs leaders who stick to their morals and make a true stand for what they believe in. Young people need good role models to emulate and follow after, and that’s who I want to be. I want this blog to be interactive, dynamic and most of all a fun place to talk about interesting topics. So here goes nothing, no turning back, this marks my epic saga into the perilous world that is cyberspace on the planet Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on the blog, Josh. Joshua 1:9 is also my favorite verse so the title caught my attention right away.

    Can't wait to see what else you have to say.
