Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hey Baldy!

Respect your elders. On the surface it seems like a simple, innocuous task but in reality it's quite difficult to put in practice. For starters it involves getting over the stereotype that the elderly are intellectually deficient, out of touch with reality, and socially inadequate. It takes a leap of faith into the realm of the unknown and uncomfortable, it could be uncomfortable. With age comes life experience which leads to the accumulation of invaluable wisdom. Elderly who are Godly are even more of a treasure ans should be revered. This is clearly evident in a bizarre passage I came across today in 2 Kings 2:23-25. http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2%20kings%202&version=NIV
We clearly see what happens when we disrespect elderly Godly men. Now in this day and age something as extreme as that wouldnt take place, but it's the principle here that matters. Rejecting the Word of God brings serious consequences to our lives. It may not be an attack by bears ,instead a slow degeneration away from God which will eventually lead to spiritual death. Elisha was a prophet sent by God, to set the people of Bethel (Center of Idolatry) straight. These lads decided to mock God's messenger and were wiped out. We must take advantage of the people God places in our lives, regardless of their age. In my life I've been extremely blessed and encouraged by elderly men of God. So save the insults, some of these geezers are actually great. Just give them a chance, or watch out for wildlife!


  1. I was in my math class today and a lot of my classmates [not to sound like a baby, but] were speaking out of turn, shouting out how they thought the problem should be done, and kept cutting off the professor, who was very gracious about the whole thing. My friend (who follows my blog and had noticed your blog link on mine) had also read your post, and after class we were talking about how that incident reminded us of what you posted about here. It wasn't in a "holy" setting, sure, but it still definitely represented the disrespect our generation (particularly the college sector, I'd say) tends have towards our elders, this time embodied in my math professor. We were both so frustrated, because we knew our prof was about to tell us the best solution, but he kept getting interrupted. It was just crazy how the morning after you wrote this and we read it, a prime example of disrespect of elders happened in class.

  2. That's incredible to see that play out in real life, truly is a shame especially in the realm of education. When the teacher prepares, some students are there to learn and other aren't. Continue to be diligent and pray that your fellow classmates will wise up. Thanks for the feedback liz!
