Sunday, April 18, 2010


I hail from Sugarloaf, PA, the sweetest place on Earth. Not really. Bad joke but it's a really nice place to grow up and I love it. When telling others the name of my hometown I usually get jeers and laughs but is a solid conversation starter. It got me thinking, what are some other strange town names, and with a little research, I found a list from my friends at yahoo (I really don't have friends at yahoo, it's just my preferred search engine). For example, how about growing up in Truth or Consequence New Mexico,or Boring, Oregon? We all have a warm place in our heart for our hometown, no matter the name. Here's the rest of the list:

1 comment:

  1. That's cool bro...Talking about strange town names, Pennsylvania has a solid 224 of them.
    Take a look:
